Nordic Weasel Games

The blog home of Nordic Weasel Games

Repost. What happened to....

A few old games or beta versions that are not currently available:

Fast And Dirty (FAD)

(Scifi platoon level) 

Sold off the rights. If you search for the rules online you can find the website operated by the current owner, which includes a number of additions of their own making. 

I would like to revisit some concepts in future games but it is unlikely a new FAD will be created.

Trench Storm

(WW1 battalion level)

Sold off the rights though I don't know if anything came of that project. As the scale mostly overlaps with Trench Hammer, unlikely to get a revisit though future WW1 games will happen.

Blast Pistol / Last Era etc.

(Scifi and fantasy skirmish)

The niche of "minimalist wargame rules" is better covered by Squad Hammer these days. Unlikely to return.

An Orc too far test

(Fantasy version of Scum of the Earth)

Shelved indefinitely until I can find time to update Scum itself.

Acrid smell of powder test

(Black powder skirmish)

Turned out to be a bit too weird and awkward. Musket to Rifle will cover the same ground.

Did I miss any old titles? Let me know in the comments.