Nordic Weasel Games

The blog home of Nordic Weasel Games

Q&A Round up 11

Five Parsecs questions:

Do I have to declare all my crew actions before rolling for them?

I had originally intended that you did, but we don't generally do that anywhere else in the game. Go ahead and declare and resolve one at a time.

Exactly when is a Patron lost?

Patrons are lost if you accept the job and then fail the mission. This applies no matter how you earned that Patron.

What counts as a rival of a particular type, f.x. "law enforcement rivals"?

This is left open ended depending on your story. The strict answer for law enforcement is Bounty Hunters, Enforcers and Vigilantes (though you might want to make the last one a fifty fifty chance).

Five Leagues questions:

(Repeat) Does the origin bonus and the bonus for having a skill stack to +3?


Weasel Tech questions:

When do swarms from revealed blips act?

They act in the next Swarm Phase (which may be this or next turn), never in the current swarm phase if that is when they were revealed.

Lore questions?

Some folks are really interested in the setting and lore behind the games. If there is interest, I can do a second Q&A with lore questions though it might only be twice a month to avoid overscheduling myself. Let me know if you have lore questions.