Nordic Weasel Games

The blog home of Nordic Weasel Games

Q&A Round up 10

General questions:

What are your thoughts on the ORC license?

I think it's a cool development, though the value of it will depend mainly on what companies get committed to the project and what rules will go into the "community pool" so to speak. 

I am not sure if it will have a lot of impact on the miniatures gaming scene, where there seems to be less interest in shared game mechanics. I have kicked around putting Squad Hammer under the ORC license to kick things off, since it may be easier than updating and maintaining my own license.

Weasel Tech:

Can you clarify how Favorable mentions work? 

 The way the table works is a bit wonky because it got caught between two versions. Until I update it treat it like this:

Favorable mentions are earned by the squad, not by a specific character. So they are applied as a bonus to any commendation roll you make. 

Leagues / Parsecs general:

How do various "debts" work if I cannot pay them?

Some events can cause you to owe money (outside the normal ship debt in Parsecs). Unless the rules state otherwise, they must be paid as soon as you have the money available.


Can a forced move, like a Terrifying weapon, force a figure off the table? 

It is not intended to, but I do play it that way. 

If I roll the "Caught off guard" deployment condition can I still roll to seize the initiative?

Yes. You can narrate it as being caught off guard but managing to turn the ambush on the attackers or a heroic scramble to improve your situation. Simply apply both rules as written.