Nordic Weasel Games

The blog home of Nordic Weasel Games

No more Zuckerbot

As of today, I have decided to delete my Facebook account. 

I had resisted using the service for years but felt that with the rise of the Five Parsecs and Five Leagues communities, my attention was required.

However this is no longer the case as there are ample people who can answer questions and I am increasingly unable to keep track of the amount of traffic. 

What's more, my concerns over Facebook both as a service, its intrusion into daily life, its effects on communication and its general conduct as a company has only grown more severe.

I can't change the world but I can decide for myself and so as of today no more Facebook. 

I can still be reached through the usual channels (Email, Discord) and I remain happy and excited to talk to fans, I would just rather do it on my own terms than under the watchful eye of the Zuckerbot. 

I apologise to anyone inconvenienced.