Nordic Weasel Games

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Mystic Space. Army composition

Today is a bit of crunch, discussing how building armies will work in Mystic Space. Ill have a lot to say about the game setting but today I want to chat about mechanics.

Army building in Mystic Space takes a bit of inspiration from 3rd edition 40K. 

Army units are divided into Heroes, Frontline Units, Strike Units and Firepower Units. 

When you build an army for a game you choose if it is a Skirmish or a Battle. This is basically the "how much time do you have?" toggle with a Skirmish being a small, quick game and a Battle being more of a commitment.

Since the Battle is probably the default, we will look there first.

Your army must have at least 3 Frontline Units and can take up to 3 more. These are your standard infantry squads, patrols and so forth. 

You also must take at least 3 Heroes and can take up to 3 more. Mystic Space is a heroic kind of place and armies are led by exceptional individuals like mystics, assassins and champions. As a note, you must take different Heroes. You cannot pick 2 of the same guy so you can't just spam 3 Gunners (sorry Arsenal fans). 

For support you can then take up to 3 Strike Units. These are your assault troops, infiltrators and drop troops, capable of either special deployments, rapid movement or, in the case of assault troops, just a bloody minded outlook on warfare.

Finally you can take up to 2 Firepower Units, such as heavy weapon squads or heavy vehicles. 

Skirmish battles are set up to be much smaller and the sort of thing you can paint up in a weekend (or a day in 15mm). Here you take 2 Herores, 2 Frontline units and 1 additional non-Hero unit of your choice and you are good to go.