Nordic Weasel Games

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Fantasy KPS and the world of Tremorien

The fantasy version of Knyghte Pyke and Sworde is a generic game in the sense that while it has a bunch of different fantasy critters and magical items, they are intended as a general tool kit for you to build your own worlds (or to help fight battles in a setting you already like).

My plan is to accompany it with a distinct fantasy world as well: The world of Tremorien. 

There will be much more to follow, but the idea of Tremorien is that it will be a living world that will change over time. There will be a core booklet which discusses the world and provides stats, spells and all that stuff which will get you started.

The starting place is a fairly "young" world where elves, dwarves and humans are starting to tussle for dominance over the world, magic is still fairly raw and many of the typical creatures that inhabit (and plague) fantasy worlds have not yet emerged. 

However over time this will change as nations can rise and fall, heroes emerge (and die), new artifacts are uncovered and so forth. Basically this will treat the fantasy game as a historical game where things occur at certain times and the year you choose to play in will determine what troops and armies are around. 

This would both be a fun way to explore a range of moods and ideas in the game, but also allow people plenty of excuses to paint up new armies and buy more models (I know you people, I got you covered) and just generally be really fun to do.

I am still working out the details of how it will all work. This also aims to establish KPS as the "second leg" alongside Mystic Space as the main focus for NWG in the near future. (This does not affect my plans with Modiphius for new 5x stuff, that is all separate). 

Someone asked if there would be a warband game for KPS. I don't think so, but I have thought about doing something that was a bit more "combat RPG" with a GM creating scenarios and some character progression options in that sense. Kind of like how some people used to play Battlesystem back in the day. Time will tell.