Nordic Weasel Games

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Catalogue retrospective: Starport Scum

Todays retrospective is Starport Scum. In many ways this can be thought of as a sister to Five Parsecs: More open ended, less exacting and more GM oriented. 

The rules are well suited to a similar sort of "freelancers just scraping out a living" with random job tables, but assume a bit more handiwork in getting a game going. They are playable solo (and a fair few tools are provided along with various random tables) but also support pick up and convention play, particularly as it is pretty easy to detail a character.

Instead of stats, characters use traits like "GUN SLINGER" or "FAST" which mostly add dice to rolls, but can also have more specific functions. Like many things in the game, traits can be built to be very specific or can be ruled on the fly. 

Combat is a simple dice pool approach: Tally up dice, roll and count successes. The typical game can range from a couple of figures to probably 10-12 per side, with 3 figure grunt squads and single characters being the norm. 

There are also a number of expansions available, fleshing out and detailing the rules further.

You can check out the game here