Nordic Weasel Games

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Catalogue retrospective: No End in Sight

No End in Sight is one of the earliest titles of the NWG catalogue. It was a result of trying to do a couple of things:

First there was very little in the way of platoon level cold war gaming available. Most of the games at the time were aimed at much larger battles, but I had little interest in those. My main interest has always been the platoon level, where things get personal. 

Second at the time the attitude on the forums online seemed to be that cold war gaming was mostly about turkey shoots where NATO tanks shot up legions of Soviet armour and then everyone got to knock off for tea and biscuits. 

However reading memoirs and books discussing Vietnam, Afghanistan and other conflicts made it seem clear to me that at the individual level, regardless of who is winning or losing in the grand strategic sense, it was going to be messy, grimy and nasty. I wanted a game to reflect that.

So then No End in Sight is something a bit different: Things like soldiers being pinned down, rushing across open gaps without suppressing the enemy first is a gamble as reaction fire is always a threat, the stress builds on your squad leaders as you push them, wounded soldiers have to be contended with. It's a very gritty and messy experience and yet you can run a full mechanised platoon pretty easily and on a small table. 

As a reviewer said "I recently bought No End in Sight, and I think the game better models the central problem of modern infantry combat--crossing that "deadly ground" in the face of enemy opposition---than any other game I've played"

I am slowly going through the book to update it, so this is a perfect time to check out the rules as the updated version will be available to you at no cost.