Nordic Weasel Games

The blog home of Nordic Weasel Games

Back to the community

One of the things I am hoping to do in 2025 is to refocus NWG to be a bit more community oriented. 

Community is where things all started: Before there was NWG there was Trench Storm and Fast And Dirty, games that existed purely because of a community that believed in them.

It has always been a factor in everything. FiveCore Brigade Commander grew out of discussions on the early Wargames Website forum. Starport Scum began as a discussion with a friend. A lot of things in NWG titles have come from discussions with this or that fan. In fact, without the dedicated folks on the Discord I don't know if Five Leagues 2nd edition would have turned out to be the success it became. 

NWG has stuck it out this long, because (I think) I have always been open to trying different things and roll with the punches. 

With 2025 it is time to take another turn into the community, but in a new way. Some of those I am not ready to talk about yet, but I can talk about two:

I have already mentioned Mystic Space and the ability of folks to create "official" figures for the game. Both Mystic Space and the upcoming Tremorien setting will also have explicit permissions for the creation of fan art, fan fiction and game rules conversions, meaning if you want to write up a set of conversion guidelines to play Tremorien games using Song of Blades and Heroes or want to create a GURPS Mystic Space booklet you can do so with confidence.

This will also be accompanied by an update to History Dad which will allow scenario creators to reference the rules in scenario packs and so on. 

Of course some of these things are things you could probably do already, but I think it is important to take a proactive stance on the topic, as well as open up at least some degree of commercial activities as well. I am still working through the details so stay tuned.