Nordic Weasel Games

The blog home of Nordic Weasel Games

A bit of Q&A today about game titles

I get some questions fairly frequently, so occasionally it is good to gather them up and put an answer down in print. Do people say "print" when it is digital? I feel like that isn't what we should call it. Anyways. 

As always the questions are paraphrased from actual questions. 

What is the difference between Clash on the Fringe and Renegade Scout? They are both supposed to be Rogue Trader inspired? What about Rogue Hammer? My head hurts!

If I am honest, Clash probably did not end up being all that RT inspired after all. SOme of the elements like the random tables are definitely from there and I tried to mirror the way the RT book was set up in the alien sections, but it really is just a modern scifi tactical game. I happen to think its a really good one too. I think mechanically the inspiration came heavier from things like Warzone, Stargrunt 2 and Void.

Renegade Scout was an attempt at proving two things:

First, there were a lot of attempts people had made to build a Rogue Trader retroclone but none had actually succeeded, so I wanted to show it could be done. Second, I always felt that the mechanics of RT and 2nd edition got a bad rep. I happen to think 40K 2nd edition was really quite good, so I wanted to sort of rehabilitate some of those approaches but in a modern way. Think of it as a "alternate 3rd edition" if you will.

Roguehammer is basically the reverse: Take the actual units (renamed of course) of Rogue Trader and pair them with new mechanics (in this case based off Squad Hammer). Plus I felt that the challenge of a game that would exist in between the single figure mechanics of 40K and the stand based combat of Space Marine / Epic would be interesting. 

Will there be more of these retro inspired games?

For now probably not. I have something in the RPG field I would like to do but I think the mini's retro pond has no more fish in it and a designer should be spending most of their time and effort on their own creations. 

What is the quick difference between Five Men in Normandy and Five Men at Kursk?

Kursk is more squad oriented (though it is still a man to man skirmish game) and has more chrome and detail. Normandy is simpler and faster and more "cinematic".