With Mystic Space shaping up well, I wanted to do another Q&A post.
You can find the prior Q&A at https://nordicweasel.posthaven.com/mystic-space-some-questions-and-clarifications and the announcement post at https://nordicweasel.posthaven.com/something-new-this-way-comes-mystic-space
These are more general questions and are both a few questions I have gotten over email as well as anticipating a few that will no doubt arise. So I suppose call it a "preventative Q&A" :)
Q: Won't this compete with <insert game here that has a full figure line, 200 novels and a marketing budget the size of Venus>
A: Not really. I mean, yes in the most basic sense but I think this is the kind of question that you already know the answer to. If you are reading the Mystic Space rulebook, you are already the kind of person who want to try something different.
Q: How will this work when you do not have a dedicated figure line, but it is a specific setting?
A: You read the book, get inspired by the setting and rules and then run out and find the miniatures you think your favourite faction looks like. This is also why there will not initially be named Heroes, because I want your Heroes to be "your dudes".
Another example here is the weapons tech. You can look at the weapon names and profiles and decide what you want them to be on your models. The Glint Rifle is probably a laser rifle, except maybe for you it is not?
Q: Why isn't this a solo warband campaign game?
A: I didn't want to make one this time.
Q: Will there be other Mystic Space games later?
A: Yes. I have two planned. One will be a "competitive co-op" game (think the venerable Space Crusade board game) and one will be a "combat RPG" (think Inquisitor and the likes).
Q: Does this mean there will not be any more Unified Space games from NWG?
A: Under the NWG name specifically, probably not but never say never. There's a pretty full schedule planned for that stuff from Modiphius.
Q: Will you eventually sell Mystic Space to a big publisher so we can get a glossy rulebook?
A: If the check is big enough sure. It is not really planned though and I can't imagine a conventional publisher is keen on getting into a game that for them WOULD compete with <mega company>.
Q: Will there be Faction army books?
A: Initially it'll fit in the rulebook. I think down the road, it'd be cool to do but I would have to think about how it'd look. I think I would enjoy it being an even split between setting and mechanics. What I do NOT want to do is write 30 new units for each army.
Q: Will the setting be treated the same as in Five Parsecs where it is all really vague and sometimes contradictory?
A: No, it is intended to be a consistent and specific setting. If errors creep in, we will try to fix them. The plan is to even have a timeline that advances every now and again. This could even have units or weapons that are available only during certain periods similar to how WW2 games work.
Q: Can my version of the setting be more grim / more kawaii / more serious ?
A: I am not your dad. There is a set tone throughout. As has already been discovered when discussing it with fans, it can be interpreted pretty widely.
Q: Will you consider fan contributions into the setting?
A: If it is really good and fits the vibe yes.